Current Clinical Trials
Prostate Cancer Screening
Clinical study to collect and store subject samples to be used in the development and validation of diagnostic tests for the detection of prostate cancer.
The study is open to males who are scheduled for a prostate biopsy. Exclusion Criteria:
Men who have had prostate biopsy within 30 days prior to collection
Men currently or formerly who have undergone prostate cancer treatments including but not limited to prostatectomy, radiotherapy, or androgen deprivation
Men who have been diagnosed with cancer of any kind, and are currently undergoing active treatment, except skin cancer
Stress Urinary Incontinence
You may be able to take part in the study if you are:
Are a woman at least 18 years of age,
Still experience urine leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing, at least 2 times a day after surgical treatment,
Have tried pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and received a surgical treatment for SUI, which didn’t resolve your symptoms.
Bladder Cancer
An open-label study to evaluate safety and anti-tumor activity of intravesical instillation of TARA-002 in adults with high-grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
Participants with recent diagnosis of carcinoma in situ who have either failed BCG therapy or not able to obtain BCG therapy may be eligible.
Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC)​
Females 18-64 years old
Diagnosis of IC greater than 6 months ago
Experiencing frequency, pain, pressure, and/or discomfort
Documentation of cystoscopy in the past 9 months
Erectile Dysfunction
Heterosexual males 18 and over with diagnosed with erectile dysfunction for at least 6 months may be eligible.
Interstitial Cystitis
Males and females ages 18-75 yrs old diagnosed with interstitial cystitis for at least 6 months may qualify.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Females ages 18-55 diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence with no history of prior treatment may be eligible.
To see if you qualify for one of the above trials, please send us an email.
Upcoming Clinical Trials
BPH Device Trial
Drugs of Abuse
Erectile Dysfunction
Healthy Volunteer Trial
Low Testosterone
Overactive Bladder
Prostate Cancer
Recurrent Kidney Stone
UTI Vaccine